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Our Clients Say

Boy Outside
Our son was delayed with speech and connecting words to their meaning. While children his age were speaking 15-20 words, he was speaking maybe two words total. We decided on speech therapy and Ms. Jho was our teacher; as soon as she worked with us we saw changes in him and in ourselves as parents. After about a month of working with Ms. Jho, meeting once a week, he began repeating words we were focusing on. Ms. Jho connected with him on a level of understanding but she also took the time to explain to us (the parents) how we can incorporate teaching in our daily lives all while having fun. We worked with Ms. Jho for about a year and now our son has a vocabulary we can't count and is speaking in 5 to 6 word sentences! He speaks clearly, understands directions, and places correct meaning to words. It felt like it happened overnight at one point and he was a talking machine! If we had to decide all over again to work with Ms. Jho, we would say “yes” over and over. She is patient, kind, understanding, and made speech therapy a fun activity we looked forward to weekly.

Matthew, Age 3

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*Pseudo-names and pictures have been used for the family's privacy.

"We speak with more than our mouths. We listen with more than our ears...I don't think anyone can grow unless he's loved exactly as he is now, appreciated for what he is rather than what he will be."

-Mr Rogers



"If children are apparently unable to learn,

we should assume that we have not as yet

found the right way to teach them." 

- Marie Clay


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